
Mar 25, 2013

An ode to Threshold

Have you guys been in Target lately? (Yes, I broke my 90 day shopping ban and went in...shame on me.) They have the CUTEST home stuff right now. Have you seen the Threshold brand? I could make a serious dent in my bank account if I bought everything I wanted that I saw yesterday. It's like Target looked into my brain of all the home decor styles I love and then created the line of Threshold products. Drooling right now. I resisted sooooo many temptations. But I did make it out with these:

Love, love, love this rug. Before I had a small little kitchen rug in front of the sink. This rug is over-sized and it just makes me darn happy. Also, it was only $13. Which brings me to another thought...who in this world decided that rugs should be so flipping expensive?!? I found one for my living room yesterday that I loved, but it was $129. Which is CHEAP for a 5'x7' rug. But I'm not paying that much. It's ridiculous. Guess Marty will have to win the lottery before I can afford a rug. *sigh*

I found this little beauty on the clearance rack and almost squealed (actually, I think I may have really squealed. Out loud). I have a tiny obsession with keys right now. .And it was $5. What can I say? I'm a sucker for clearance stuff.

Dear Target, quit tempting me.


  1. I love both of those!! But I also LOVE that shower curtain! So cute!

  2. Dude! The shower curtain is a Walmart purchase! I had my eye on it forever and finally broke down and bought it. It makes me so happy :)

  3. Check Ross or T.J. Maxx for Rugs. Ross had an 8x10 for $69.99 that I wanted, but I'm not buying another one until that stupid dog of ours is gone.

  4. I've checked there in the past, but not recently. Thanks for the suggestion! I forget about those places!

  5. I was in Target today and I know what you mean. I'm frugal with my money and try to DIY when I can. But everything in there was awesome. Like you, I could have put a serious dent if I bought only a few of the things I wanted.
