To start, I'm going to do an icon for the App Store. This is an app that comes already downloaded on your iPhone and you cannot delete it. The steps below are going to be for apps like that. Ready?
Just like in my last post, go to the Cocoppa app.
Make sure you're looking at "Icons" instead of "Wallpapers" or "Stamps."

Scroll all the way down to the bottom and search icons by typing in "App Store."
Go through all the selections and pick your favorite icon. Click on it.
Next screen, hit "Set up link."
Next, you're going to assign the short-cut link for your app. In the previous tutorial, you would search for your app that you downloaded. Here, we're going to scroll to the bottom and hit "URL."
Now, here's where it's going to get a little complicated. You'll have different URL codes for different apps. These are the ones that are available so far:
Maps-- Maps:
Messages-- SMS:
Music-- Music:
Photos-- Photos-redirect:
Safari-- pick website homepage (I picked
Enter the URL and hit "Done" at the top.
Correction: This is the URL for iTunes, not the App Store. I haven't located the correct URL for the App Store, if anyone would like to post that in comments!
Next screen, you're going to name your icon whatever your little heart desires. Then hit "OK."
A box will automatically pop up, asking you to go to Safari and add the icon to your home screen. Click "Yes."
Almost done! Hit the "share" button on the next screen. It's near the bottom and looks like an arrow coming out of a box.
Next screen, hit "Add to Home Screen."
Last screen, name the app--again. Not sure why they make you do it twice. Hit "Add."
Shaboom. There it is.
Hooray pretty screens and icons! Now, just like any other app on the market, this one has its flaws. There are no URL codes yet for some of the other pre-downloaded apps like Phone, Calculator, Notes, Calendar, etc. The codes I listed above are the only ones I've located.
Also, warning numero dos. Don't do too many of these. Since you do have to keep your original icon (or it'll delete the app completely), it does take up memory space on your phone. I learned the hard way that if you change all your icons to ones from Cocoppa, your phone will run crazy slow. So I picked my favorite apps, the ones I use the absolute most, and transformed them. I left some of the others, like App Store and iTunes, alone. Your call though. If you'd rather have a pretty phone that runs slower, go icon ca-razy!
Enjoy :)))
Disclaimer: I do not own the Cocoppa app. I am simply doing a review of the app and how it works on my personal phone. I am not responsible for the app or how it may work on your phone.
Love your post! I am having trouble with changing me e-mail icon. Can you help? Thanks!
What kind of email provider do you have (i.e. gmail)?
I have gmail, but I am just using the mail app that came on my phone...I am having the same issue with my weather app
how did you get your itunes icon to change... I can't find the app when I search it on cocoppa
I wish I could help you on that one, but I have the Gmail app from the App Store, so I just followed the directions from the first tutorial to bring it up.
Joy, I just tried it on my app and I got a bunch of iTunes icons to pop up....maybe try it again?
I just downloaded the gmail app! Any idea about the weather app that comes on the phone?
When I do the messaging one, using the preassigned "short cut list" from the app, it asks if I want to set the shortcut to "phone call" or "email"... But it's for messaging... Can anyone shed some light on this one?
Not sure about the weather. Maybe google "URL codes for cocoppa weather?" I use The Weather Channel app.
What are the URL's for Messages(SMS), Music & Phone?
It's in the post Maria.
Messages is SMS:
Music is Music:
There isn't one for Phone right now. You can set an icon to call a specific person, but not a general phone.
Thanks for your response...for some reason, the links I type in will not connect.
Is that correct?
On another note...I love your posts! Thanks :)
Oh! I'm sorry. No, just put in SMS: The App Store is the only one that needs the actual web address with the Does that make sense? The photos, messages, etc. just need the word I put (Photos: Music: SMS:)
Got it! Thanks so much!
I just tried to do "Photos" and used the linc "Photos:" and it doesn't do anything. Can you help?
Try Photos-redirect:
On all the ones I downloaded when I click the new app it brings a blank white screen from the app store then goes to the real app how to I get rid of that?
I looked it up and you can use the code Mailto: for your email. However, it won't have the red circle at the top right corner telling you how many messages are in your inbox.
Yep... Mailto: works for the standard mail app. Thanks for these posts! I love how pretty my phone is!
I'm loving that you guys are finding the stuff I can't! I have noticed a couple of doesn't notify you about new mail, new Tweets, new Facebook notifications, etc. I just set mine to chime or make noise, so I know I have something new.
To the person that asked about the blank screen--that's how it is. It'll bring up a blank white screen and then transfer to your app on all of them.
I'm confused by the URL's you are supposed to type in. For example, what would the URL be for my photos? I tried just "Photos:" but I don't think that's right.... I know this may be a dumb question, but I am confused :)
what about calendar? tried calendar: no luck
Try Photos-redirect: instead of just "Photos:" and see if that works.
Jennifer, there isn't a URL for Calendar, Calculator, Notes and several others. They just haven't developed that yet. They have to stay the same old icon. Sorry!
videos: works too!
These all work for the iPad as well! You have to download the cocoppa app for iPhone on the iPad since it is iPhone app only, but it still works :) I'm decking out both my iPad and iPhone!!
Whoa! Great advice Laura!
Thanks so much for your posts!! They are absolutely wonderful!!! I was able to follow your simple steps right from your blog and everything works great!! You made this so easy!! Thank you!!
The App Store link your posted brought me to iTunes, try this for AppStore instead
Also does anyone know the URL for spotify, have tried looking for it and can't find it
And now the app is under maintenance! :)
I will try again tomorrow. I can't wait to customize my iphone!!!
And it's back up! lol
Two questions:
Did you change the icon for your Bible Gateway app?
Where can I find that super cute chevron wallpaper??
Thanks so much!!!
Love the blog! Thanks for your posts!
I tried Photos: and Photos-redirect: and both only bring up a blank white screen and never transfer to the app. Sad and confused... :(
The URL you posted for the app store brings you to iTunes. Do you know the correct URL?
I have a few questions, I have followed all of your instructions step by step and when I go to the safari app, the photo app, the messaging app, the App Store and my music all I get is a blank white screen...Can you tell me what I need to do to make these apps work please?
Hooray! I'm glad you enjoyed Camille! Thanks for reading :)
Oh goodness. I'm not sure! Without seeing it myself, I don't know that I could help. Sorry!
Ack! I put the wrong thing. There isn't one for App Store, as far as I can tell. Thanks for catching my silly mistake!!
I did. I searched "bible" in cocoppa and picked one I liked and then made it go to my bible gateway app (see my first iPhone customization post for step by step instructions on how to do that).
The wallpaper came from Cocoppa too! At the home screen, select "wallpapers" instead of "icons" and browse your little heart out!
I just wanted to check and see how do you get your music, messages, and photos to work after making the new icons for them in cocoppa? I have followed your instructions step by step
Try calshow:// for calendars, it worked for me! Thanks for the great post!
I got the cocoppa app yesterday and love love love how my phone looks now but.... I just read the reviews on cocoppa and they aren't good. many say it carries a virus and freezes your phone on the white screen. most report they lost everything.... had to restore their phone back to factory settings. all this happened after the first couple of days. now i'm worried. I see you wrote your first blog 3/27 I think and this second one 4/3 so i'm assuming your phone is ok. anyone having problems?
For those getting the white screen when doing the installed apple apps (phone, sms, photos, etc.) make sure that gloss is on and then it will work.
can you provide URLS as i want to ensure if I have done right for icons
for maps---
for messages
thanks so much and love the icons!!!!!!!
I really enjoyed this App. thanks a lot. Is there any way to have the notifications on the new stylish Icon?
Fun! What are y'all googling to get urls for say,
iphone camera
Anyone else having an issue where the link goes to a blank message? I did one for messages...and when I tap it, it goes to a new message and not the list of messages i have.
I googled "URLs for cocoppa" and it brought up numerous sites with URL links. So far, they've worked for me. As for the messages, if you hit cancel when it pulls up the "compose new msg" box, it will take you back to your list of msgs. When you add the shortcut to the home screen it's basically adding a shortcut to compose a msg not take you to the msgs you already have.
I have figured everything out except the camera, and the phone. Are those two possible to change or no? Thanks for sharing everything!!
For those looking for iTunes, app store, and mail app (not gmail, just the preloaded mail), I found this website with URLs for cocoppa.
Found some others and thought it'd be nice to have them in one spot. -SJ
(** separates urls so DO NOT include stars or heart)
Photos= photos-redirect:// **
Safari ♥**
Maps ♥ maps:**
SMS ♥ sms:**
Mail ♥ mailto:**
Music ♥ music:**
iTunes ♥**
App Store ♥ **
Calendar: calshow:// (dont think the date will update though)
You rock! It worked!
Does this work with Ipad?
anybody found anything for Phone yet?
...and anyone have any issues with it freezing your phone and having to restore it?
Love this thanks! Also I noticed in the example you're choosing app's actually Itunes your changing not the app store. It won't give you your update notifications
I made one for messages but now I'd like to delete it. How do I go about doing that?
OK seriously, this is the cutest. thing. ever. I've jailbroken my phone (mostly to get more apps on my home row & individual message timestamps) but this is the CUTEST. THING. EVER.
I may be repeating myself. Playing with this app made me stay up past 9 so you know it's good.
Is there a way to link to messages and the basic mail app without it going to a new message in either? I did the sms: and mailto: for each, respectively. I know that I can cancel the new message and get to my inbox, but I was just wondering if there was a way to go straight to the inbox.
^^^^ I was wondering the same thing. Does anybody know if that's possible?
Maybe I'm missing something, but when I search for "app store" I get one result, and it's not cute. lol When I searched for Music I got a pop up that said, the icon is yet to be registered. Any ideas?
Never mind ^... I figured it out. and, YAY!!! My phone is so pretty now.
Hi there, I just found this blog and had a quick question. When customizing the apps, I do not get any notifications. For example; when I get an email a little red dot with a number in it pops up on the app, on the new customized app, I do not get that notification. Can you help me with that?
Yeh same, i need help with that too.
You will not get notifications. Best way to go is through winterboard. Make a theme folder, make a bundles folder, find the apps bundle *sms is make that folder. Put in an icon and select in winterboard. Or download a premade theme. I have a few. Also tutorials on theming;)
***WARNING*** No offence to the blogger, because this idea is the best ever, but this app crashed my 4S. I made pretties for my most used apps, and everything worked fine for a few days, but then I tried to check my email and everything went crazy. The white screen came up, and usually it just links you to whatever app you hit, but this time it froze on the white screen. Nothing would work, not even holding the power button. My phone was almost dead at the time, so I let it die and when I turned it back on I had the same blank white screen. I had to restore it from itunes. I won't be doing it again, but my phone was super cute for a few days. lol
ok so i've been looking at the posts, i made a pretty for safari but how do i get it to bottom of screen to take place of old one?
The same thing happened to me that happened to Andy Kat! My iPod 4th generation totally crashed! The white screen came up and the nit just stayed there! i couldn't shut it off or anything. So
Once you've restored it all, then everything's saved and it's fixed!!!
Having fun with this...but now I'm a little scared after hearing about what has happened to some of your phones! Eek!
My question is...How do I undo one if I want to go back to the old icon?? Anyone know? Thanks!
So I take it theres no way to make pretty icons and get the notifications for them? Boo. I like them but need my notifications to show
itms-apps:// to link directly to the App Store.
I'm having the same issue where when I search for "iTunes" or "App Store" I only get 2 or 3 crummy results. What gives? What am I doing wrong?
I need help with the photos icon. Ive tried photos, photos: and photos-redirect://, nothing :( any ideas??
It's cal-show:
I had it on my phone for over 4 months and it didn't do anything to my phone at all. I stopped using in for a few weeks, now, I'm about to change it all back. I think it's more of what they have on their phone, not the cocoppa app itself
That's just something you have to deal with with the messaging app. You can hit cancel in the corner and it'll take you to the messages list
What do I put in as the URL to change Safari?
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