
May 9, 2013

Just Have Faith.

Note:  This post is about my faith in Jesus and thoughts about prayer.  I debated for awhile about writing this, but I feel like it's something that's pressing on my heart.  If it offends you, I'm sorry.  Maybe you should get to know my Jesus a little better so it doesn't. :)

A man in my Sunday school class posed this question this week:  Why pray to God for him to change things if bad things are still going to happen to good people?

At first, I was shocked that someone would be so open about their doubts that the Lord answers prayers during a church's Sunday school class.  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized....haven't we all been there?  Haven't we thought, after losing a loved one: "Where were you God?  Why didn't you save my loved one?  Why did you take them?"  Haven't we thought, after watching a random act of terror happen in our country:  "Where were you God?  Why would you allow something like that to happen??"  After all, don't we, as Christians face the question all the time:  "If God existed, why is there suffering in the world?"  If you're like me, I've struggled to answer that question.  How do you tell an atheist that you just believe.  I don't have to have reasons for everything, I just know He's there.  I know what He's done in my life and that's proof enough for me.  Does that mean my life is easy?  Far from it.  I've had my share of hard times and grief.  God NEVER promised that life as a Christian would be easy.  Think about it:  if God had promised that, if you became a Christian, life would be without suffering or hardships or grief....don't you think more people would be flocking to Jesus??  A God that promises an easy life with no suffering?  Sign me up!  No, I don't know why He works the way He does.  I don't know why He gives Satan so much power sometimes and allows for bad things to happen.  I just have faith.  I have faith that God has reasons for everything He does.  And that it's not for me to understand everything He has planned.  Maybe he took that little girl from this world so another person could watch her bravely fight and come to know Him through her battle.  Who am I to question?

As much as I don't know and question God, I do know this:

---Prayer changes things.
"Ask, and it will be given to you.  Seek and you will find."  {Matthew 7:7}

Does that mean that God is going to give you exactly what you're praying for?  I saw a perfect quote on Pinterest:

"God always answers prayers with 3 answers:  1. Yes  2. Not yet  3. I have something better in mind"

We, as His followers, just have to trust that God is working for your best interests.  Yes, sometimes that means letting bad things happen to you.  No, I can't explain why.

---We all die.  Does that mean that your death will be easy?  No.  You could get cancer, have a heart attack, be in a car wreck.  It may not be pleasant.  But stop and think about what's on the other side of death.  Jesus.  He's waiting for you.  I would gladly suffer my last months on Earth, knowing that my Savior is on the other side, waiting with open arms.

I was really stewing about writing this post, because the question in Sunday school really got me thinking.  And then this song played on my Pandora station and I knew it was a sign.  Whatever you're going through, my friend....He's there.  You may feel like He's not listening or He's abandoned you, but He's right by your side.

Do you wonder why you have to,
Feel the things that hurt you,
If there's a God who loves you,
Where is He now?

Maybe, there are things you can't see
And all those things are happening
To bring a better ending
Some day, some how, you'll see, you'll see

Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming

So hold on, you got to wait for the light
Press on, just fight the good fight
Because the pain you've been feeling,
It's just the dark before the morning

My friend, you know how this all ends
And you know where you're going,
You just don't know how you get there
So just say a prayer.
And hold on, cause there's good who love God,
Life is not a snapshot, it might take a little time,
But you'll see the bigger picture

Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming

So hold on, you got to wait for the light
Press on, just fight the good fight
Because the pain you've been feeling,
It's just the dark before the morning
Yeah, yeah,
Before the morning,
Yeah, yeah

Once you feel the way of glory,
All your pain will fade to memory
Once you feel the way of glory,
All your pain will fade to memory
Memory, memory, yeah

Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming

Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
That you still have a reason to sing,
'cause the pain you've been feeling,
Can't compare to the joy that's coming

C'mon, you got to wait for the light
Press on, just fight the good fight
Because the pain you've been feeling,
It's just the hurt before the healing
The pain you've been feeling,
Just the dark before the morning
Before the morning, yeah, yeah
Before the morning


  1. AnonymousMay 09, 2013

    How can heaven truly be a perfect world when many of your loved ones will be in hell? What would it be like, knowing that a close relative or friend is suffering for eternity?

  2. In a perfect world, I'd like to say that everyone I know will be in Heaven when I get there. But that's a personal choice they may or may not have made while they were here. Does the idea of them not being there break my heart? Absolutely. But again, that was up to them to decide. I don't do the judging.

  3. AnonymousMay 09, 2013

    I suppose I understood Heaven to be a perfect world, which is why it's incentive.

  4. Heaven is perfect. But you don't get there unless you accept Jesus.

  5. Everyone has the choice to spend eternity in heaven.Heaven is perfect! The bible says there will be no tears, no pain, and no sorrows. When you go to heaven you won't remember the worldly things or anything sad
