
Jan 2, 2014

2014 Resolutions.

It's January 1st.  So, naturally, I feel compelled to do what people are doing all over the world today:  making my New Year's Resolutions.  This year, though, I'm doing it a little differently.  In the past, my resolutions would be things like "Lose 15 pounds."  "Blog every single day."  "Make dinner 5 times a week."  

Get real.  You and I both know that I'm not going to lose 15 pounds or blog every single, we're talking 365 posts, day this year.  I'm really not even sure why I make resolutions like that because I KNOW I'm going to break them before March 1st (if I'm lucky).  So this year, I'm making my resolutions a little less specific, yet more attainable.

[insert fireworks, applause, whatever celebration you prefer]

1.  Be a better Christian.

2013 contained several events that really shook my faith.  I'm not proud to admit it, but I've been a horrible Christian this past year.  I've picked up my Bible a handful of times and I haven't prayed like I should.  I feel my best and in control when God and I are close.  Get back to that in 2014.

2.  Save money. 

I feel like this is on my list every year. But this year, with Marty's extra job, we have the potential to make more money than we ever have before.  I don't want to blow all that extra income by being stupid with our finances.  To save money this year, I will:

--Make a written budget.
On Black Friday, I scored my own personal budgeting book from May Designs.  It's a place where I can have our budget, in my hands, and look at every single day to remind me what our financial goals are.

Want one?  Get yours here.

--Do the 52 week plan
Marty and I would really like to take a Disney vacation this year.  That crap is expennnnnnsive.  I've found multiple sources that have tips to save money at Disney World.  But I would love to have the money set aside ahead of time, so when we go we don't have to worry about if the trip is putting us in the poorhouse.  If you haven't seen the 52 week plan, here it is (corrected by me because the original was incorrect at 49 weeks):

I'm planning on diving into the world of couponing this year.  While I don't want to become an extreme couponer that's hoarding 300 tubes of toothpaste, I would like to learn more about how coupons can save me money at stores.  Because, honestly, they confuse me right now. 

I have other ideas for saving money like cash envelopes, making any and all gifts, follow blogs that offer money saving and budgeting tips, but these are the three that I really want to stick with. 

3.  Organize my "28th and Hudson" business.

I am ashamed to admit that, in 2013, I found myself WAYYY too many times, at my kitchen table until 2 in the morning, rushing to finish painting orders that needed to be sent out the next day.  Thank you to everyone that ordered in 2013 and was patient with me, but I HAVE to implement a better system.  I have all my orders in a binder, but that binder stays tucked away in my car.  What good does it do when I'm not seeing what orders need to be completed on a daily basis?  So, I want to do the following things: 

--Set hours for my painting.  If this is going to be like an extra job, I need to start treating it like one.  Which means deciding that I'm going to paint on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30 to 11.  Or Sundays, while Marty takes Avery to play.  Even if this means that I have an order that the customer doesn't want for another 3 months, I need to go ahead and make it, so I'm not waiting until the very last minute to get the painting completed. 

--Setting up a workstation.  Did you miss the part where I paint at my kitchen table?  My set up right now is less than ideal.  In our old home, I had an office.  I could go in, shut the door and shut out the rest of the world while I painted.  I don't have that luxury now.  We decided to make the 3rd bedroom in our new house into Avery's playroom.  A decision I don't regret.  But now I have no place to go.  And my painting business is scattered all over the house as a result.  Paints in the living room, canvases on the kitchen's chaos.  I NEED my own space.  Which brings me to......


A.k.a  Make room for a home office.  Our basement isn't finished, so it's not ideal, but I still think I can come up with some creative ideas to make it "my" space.  A table to paint, a table for shipping, corkboards to display current orders.  I NEED this space.

While I'm setting up my home office, I'm going to also unpack.  Yes, unpack.  Marty and I have been at our house since March and we still have probably 15 boxes FULL of stuff that needs to be unpacked.  In 2014, that's gonna happen. 

5.  Feel better about myself. 

In the past, I would have put "Lose 15 pounds."  But my issues with self-confidence go much deeper than that.  I'm the heaviest I've ever been.  I hate looking at myself in the mirror.  I cringe when my husband compliments me because I have a very hard time believing that I could be attractive to him.  I realize this isn't healthy.  And, as I've mentioned before, I worry about the example that I'm setting for Avery.  The absolute last thing I want for her is to have confidence issues.  For me though, it's more than my weight.  I'm not a very good cook, I've been a HORRIBLE housekeeper this past year and I don't feel like a very good mom.  And I think it all stems from my self-confidence issues.  If I didn't worry all the time that I'm doing it all wrong, I think I'd feel confidence in my abilities as wife and mother.  Instead, I worry that I'll mess dinner up, so I don't even try.  I worry that I'll never be able to get my house clean, so I let the laundry pile up.  To a normal person, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  So, in 2014, I resolve to feel better about myself.  To try things and not feel like a failure when they don't succeed.  To laugh more with my daughter, instead of worrying about if I should be working with her more on her manners/alphabet/development.  To feel like I'm good enough. 

6.  Single-handedly bring back snail mail. 

Okay, maybe not.  But in 2014, I resolve to send more snail mail.  I love getting it.  Why not pass that joy on to someone else?  So, if you get a written letter from me asking you how life is, don't freak.  I'm just trying to save the Postal Service and bring you a little piece of snail mail happiness. 

7.  Finish my furniture redos. 

Remember all those pieces I keep saying I'm going to redo?  Hasn't happened.  I've found some pretty inspirational ideas on  Pinterest and I'm ready to rock that crap out.  Once it gets warmer, of course.

8.  Keep my house picked up.

Like I mentioned in #5, I've been a horrendous housekeeper this year.  2013 was a complete whirlwind.  In August, I was pregnant and too tired.  In September, I was depressed and just wanted to sleep all day.  In October, I miscarried and had little energy to walk from the bed to the couch.  In November and December, I was so overwhelmed with painting orders that I barely found enough time to wash underwear for my family.  My house has suffered.  I would be mortified if any of you stopped by my house right now.  The old Devan wouldn't stand for that.  In our Bardstown house, save a couple of piles of laundry to do, I kept my house clean.  Maybe not polished, dusted, mopped clean, but picked up, not a thing out of place clean.  It's time to stop making excuses and make my house something I'd be proud of again. 

9.  Keep up with my blogging. 

I took quite a lengthy break this Christmas from blogging.  It felt good.  But now I'm ready to get back to regular blogging.  I enjoy it.  It brings me so much happiness, even if no one reads it.  I'd like to blog at least 3 times a week, but I'm not going to tie myself to that.  Just blog  more. 

That's it!  Of course, I have tons of things I want to accomplish in 2014:  be more organized, redo Avery's room, organize the playroom, overhaul my kitchen.  But the 9 above listed things are the ones that I'm REALLY committed to.  The ones that I want to read back over on December 31, 2014 and say "Heck yes!  I did ALL those things!"  

Here's to 2014 being the best year for me yet. :)

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