
Feb 13, 2014

Find of the Day.

You know when you find something just amazingly amazing, you feel the need to tell the entire world about it?

That happened to me just now.


I don't know about you guys, but my mind was blown when I found these.  

Wanna know the best part?

THEY'RE FREE.  As in, no money for you.  As in, all you have to do is buy the paper to print them on.  

They're from the brilliant mind of Paper Dolls by Cory on Facebook.  Check out his photo albums under his page and you can see all the characters he's done so far.  Click on the picture you want, then hit "Options" at the bottom of the page, and then "Download."  Simply print on cardstock, cut out and you have brand new, FREE dolls for your little to play with.  

Since Avery is only 2, I'm playing with the idea of putting these on magnets.  Avery wouldn't fully appreciate the idea of a paper doll whose clothes you attach with paper flaps.  Plus, I can see those little flaps getting ripped off pretty quickly.  Magnets would be so much more durable.  I'm honestly picturing something that can go in a book and travel with us.  Details aren't entirely clear yet.  Or, if you wanted to go the paper route and wanted them to last longer, laminating is probably a good idea.

Anyway.  Hop on over to Paper Dolls by Cory, download your own princesses/characters and show the creator some love.  

You're welcome. 

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