
May 29, 2014

Front Door Makeover....I think.

This post is gonna be super short.

Mainly because I'm going to talk about a front door makeover that hasn't even happened yet.  Or that I have any potential ideas for.

I want to paint the front door of my house.

I don't want a black or any type of neutral color whatsoever.  Even though I think it would look pretty, I'm OVER the color red.  I love the idea of a yellow front door, but yellow would most definitely clash with my yellow/tan-ish siding.



  1. Mine is a teal/turquoise and I love it. A grey would be pretty even though it is neutral. Like a striking dark grey.

  2. I vote for teal also.:) It wouldn't have to be bright. Almost the color of the chevron in your page background.

  3. Why not go for a bright yellow door, so as to complement the yellowish tan sidings? I don’t think the clash would be too much, since the shade of the sidings are paler by comparison. Anyway, whichever you choose, I hope it turned out the way you wanted it. Good day!

    Lynne Hollaran @ Suburban Glass Service, Inc.
