
Jun 16, 2014

Invitations Undecided

It's now time for the 3rd edition of "Avery's Birthday Party: Mommy Stresses Over Invitations!"  Welcome back!

Avery, for like 6 months, talked incessantly about having a "Sheriff Callie" 3rd birthday party.  I Pinterested (can we just make that a verb, spell check?  I'm tired of seeing the red line under Pinterest.  Let's just recognize that I talk about Pinterest, Pinterest-ing and Pinterested....A LOT....and move on, please?), I pinned, I got excited.  And then Avery is suddenly very over Sheriff Callie and now wants a Doc McStuffins party.  Then a Jake and the Neverland Pirates party.  Which kind of threw me into a tizzy.  Who wants to go through planning a party down to the details, only for it to be changed a week later?  (Note:  I realize that party planning is not everyone's "thing."  It most definitely is mine.  I love every second of picking out the perfect decor, the themed menu, the outfit that Avery will wear.  I LOVE birthdays.  I love parties.  I love party planning.  So, if it's not your cup of tea and you don't understand why I obsess over what invitations I will send to our party guests, just skip these posts.  The rest of you that stay, thanks for indulging me. :) )

So, instead of planning something that might be changed in the very near future, my brilliant friend Sarah suggested that we just do a "Disney Jr." themed party.  DUH.  Incorporate all the characters that she so dearly loves into one party!  When I presented the idea to Avery, the child lost her mind.  

Me:  "Yes, Avery.  Won't that be fun?"
Avery:  "MOM! That'll be SO FUN.  My friends are dunna be so happy at my party!"
Me: "I hope so, buddy!"
Avery:  "I tan't believe dis.  Mickey and Jake and Sofia and Callie AND Doc all at my party?"
Me:  "Yes, Avery."
Avery: [runs away squealing]

So, I think we have a winner.  I'm themeing each section of the party to a specific character.  For example, food may be Jake themed.  The favors may be Callie themed.  The game may be Mickey themed.  I haven't lined up all the details, but I know each character will be given a specific place.

Jake themed hot dogs
Sofia themed cupcakes (via)

But I'm running into two problems:

1.  The invites.  I can't find any general "Disney Jr." invitation ideas.  Everything is very character specific.

2.  Avery's outfit.  How do I represent all 5 characters in a single outfit without it looking like a messy jumble?

I'm pretty darn creative, if I do say so myself.  But this one has me stumped.

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