Jun 20, 2012

I have a problem.

My name is Devan and I'm an over-decorator.  You know the kind....if there's a spare wall in their home, they hang pictures, mirrors, cover bare wall space with a plant or a curtain.  If there's open table space, they fill it with candles, pictures, baskets, flowers.  That's me.  I cannot stand blank space.  Currently, I'm obsessed with gallery walls.  Put up some frames and other things, easy peasy lemon squeezy, you've got a filled wall and no blank space.  Some of my favorite ideas can be found at Simcoe Street, Domestic Imperfection (one of my new favorite blogs), and Birch and Bird.   Until I can make my gallery wall become a reality, I've turned to the other blank spaces in my house.  Particularly, my fridge and shower....

Smooth surface fridge + dry erase markers=instant family message center
 Dry erase markers on your fridge are an easy way to keep track of things that go on in the kitchen.  With our house set-up, you see the fridge as soon as you walk in the back door.  It's nice seeing the "bible verse to remember" to get you in the right mind frame as soon as you get home.  I like having the grocery list on the fridge...convenient when making dinner and you notice that you don't have any milk or canned salsa left.  Write it on the fridge and then take a picture of the list when you're headed to the grocery.  Other options:  an art area for kids to draw on and entertain themselves while you prepare dinner.  My sister uses markers on her fridge to keep a list of produce and the date she purchased them so she can know how much longer they have before they go bad.  So many possibilities!  And for you neat freaks, it comes off easily with a paper towel.  If you've left it on for awhile, you might need your favorite surface cleaner to help. 
Lather, rinse, get motivated, repeat.

My favorite quotes to start my day

This is one of my favorite things in our house.  Forever I've been saying that I needed to put some quotes up on my mirror to pump myself up and make me feel better about the day that lay ahead of me.  Then, I remembered that I still had bathtub crayons from college.  Before you ask, I was very involved with FFA and served as the Kentucky FFA State President for a year.  With the title, I was expected to give a lot (A LOT) of speeches and present workshops.  Some people get all their good ideas during the night or while driving down the road.  I get mine in the shower.  Something about the mind-numbing routine of shampooing and shaving gives me the time for my mind to wander to other things. In fact, I wrote my entire 10 minute retiring address under my steamy shower head.  What better way to start the day, than with quotes to remind you to be thankful, be nice and be self confident today?


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