
Aug 31, 2012

High Fives for Long Weekends! {week 8}

Friday High Fives! (linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk)

I conquered my fear of eBay this week and bought myself a Minnie Mouse watch.  I've been eyeing this one over at a price tag of $34.50. 
Not horrible, but not a necessity right now.  So I happened to be on eBay one day browsing around and found this watch.  With shipping and everything, it cost me $9.02.  I'll take it. 
Next week is this HUGE Consignment Sale in the town I live in.  It's a three day event that I look forward to every year.  But this year, I've decided to get rid of a few things and be a seller instead of just a buyer.  That means I get in a day earlier than the general public to shop my little heart out.  I. Cannot. Wait.
Aunt Kristen is not allowed to change Avery's diapers anymore.  Disaster in the making.
I made a Facebook and Twitter page this week for my blog!  Hop on over and like my page or follow me on Twitter!
I'm SUPER excited about this one.  My sister and I are tackling a pretty big project starting tomorrow.  So be sure to come back to my blog TOMORROW and check out the details.  Are you adding it right now to your list of things to do this weekend??  Good.
Happy LOOOOONG Labor Day weekend friends!


  1. That watch is super cute! I love anything Disney (my husband STILL hasn't been to Disneyworld! I can't even imagine)

    I would love for you to stop by and say hi!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Thanks! I'm a sucker for ANYTHING Disney! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. Just now shopped on EBay!? Prepared to be addicted.

    1. I know!! The whole bid thing scared me...don't know why! But now I want to check it everyday for more deals.

  3. love those watches!

    Happy Friday! Stop by and say hello! :)
