
Sep 7, 2012

Thirty for thirty {days 1-5}

It's my first "30 for 30" update post and let me tell you people.....this is hard.  It may not be hard for a girl with major fashion sense that can accessorize anything from an evening gown to a paper bag.....but I am not her.  Far from it, in fact.  I never realized how hard it would be to mix up shirts and pants without making it look like I'm wearing the same thing every single day.  Plus, it doesn't help that it's been in the mid-90s here all week and layering to change the looks of my outfits is not an option.  Hopefully, I'll get to wear some of the blazers and cardigans I picked out before the end of this month.  Otherwise, you're going to be seeing the same outfits every single week.  *sigh*  Well, here goes.  My first five days on my 30 for 30 challenge.  Take a look.  Critique.  Tell me what would look good with that green shirt so it doesn't look like I have nothing else to wear.  Really.  I need feedback.

Suggestions?  Ideas?  Accessories you wanna give away to help me jazz these outfits up? 


  1. My favorite accessories to spice up any outfit are a skinny belt worn high on your waist, a scarf, or a big necklace. Even though it's 90 degrees out, I still opt for a cardigan when I can. The way I see it, I spend the majority of my day inside in the air conditioning. :)

  2. Green shirt with the black and white skirt, tucked in. Black flats.

  3. Oh! Good thinking...I had thought of the other shirts, but not that one!
