
Oct 4, 2012

Thirty for Thirty {days 16-20}

Without further ado, days 16-20 of my Thirty for Thirty challenge.  
I think I've hit a stride with mixing and matching my outfits.  I was particularly proud of days 17 and 18.  For someone that isn't very fashion forward, I was impressed that I actually thought to put day 17 together....not only that, I wore it outside around other people.  It may not seem anything too wild, but for me, I was nervous about it.  I almost cried on day 20 because it was actually cool enough for me to wear a scarf and boots.  Fall, I thought you'd never come. 
Maybe sometime before November, I'll get the last 10 days of my challenge on here. 

By the way, are you a follower?  Reminder that when I reach 50 blog followers and 100 likes on my Facebook page, I'll be doing a unique, handmade giveaway!

1 comment:

  1. 1. You look great!
    2. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever.
    3. I am about to a blog makeover myself. I was wanting to talk to you about it and get your opinion.
