I'm going to make up for not having a High Five for Friday post last week by giving you a High SIX! (Heads up, a lot happened this week and I went picture crazy. Prepare for a bunch of photo collages).

I found THE cutest Halloween costume at a consignment sale a couple of months ago. I was so excited for Avery to wear it. I'm not really a "let's wear whatever TV character is popular this year" kind of costume fan. I want something unique, something adorable. Avery obviously has other plans (doesn't she always??). If I even bring this costume out of the closet, she starts to whimper. Don't ask me why. So would you like to see the Halloween costume that never was?


Finally, on Wednesday, my sister Dayna (the redhead on the left) and I got to go up to Indianapolis for the National FFA Convention to judge the Agricultural Issues contest. Our youngest sister Kristen (the blonde in the middle) is a senior this year, so she was in Indy with her chapter. My dad requested that we all get a picture at National Convention together. He was at National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri thirty-someodd years ago and never dreamed that, one day, his children would all be at a National FFA Convention together. :)
I saw this at Barnes & Noble last week and almost died. It would make an awesome Christmas present (hint, hint Marty)......
Last week, my family went to a Fall Festival--where Avery got the opportunity to paint a pumpkin (and mommy's hands), pie her Granddaddy in the face and show her pumpkin off to Aunt Dayna. I hope my child inherits my love of Fall.
Our Minnie population in this house is getting a little out of control. Minnie plates, silverware, cups, pillows, shirts, hats, pajamas, beach towels, socks, toys and stuffed animals. They're taking over. I'm a tiny bit nervous.
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