If you can't tell, I keep everything in their own separate bags. I CANNOT STAND having loose odds and ends floating around in my purse. It makes it frustrating when I go digging through my purse trying to find something and it drives me bananas. So, inside my purse is a bunch of mini-purses, if you will.
Mini-purse #1: My makeup bag. It contains: 4 chapsticks, 5 lipsticks, one eyeliner pencil, one eyeliner pencil sharpener, two nail files, one travel size hairspray, a makeup sponge, a concealer stick and a compact mirror. I have a problem.

I also have a mini-purse #3 containing many, many, many pencils and pens. You never know when you're going to need to take notes or write a check or sign a document. Big believer in being prepared.
Now, for the rest of the story in my purse. I have a little bag (the turquoise one) that contains all the junk I don't want floating in my purse....receipts I wanna keep, checkbook registers, etc.
Here's where I think I may have a little issue with OCD (the first step is admitting you have a problem, right?). I have not one, but TWO coupon containers. The blue one you see has all of Avery's coupons--broken down into diapers, wipes, food, medicines, toys and clothes. Inside the blue container is a red floral coupon container that has all of my grocery coupons. It has slots for freezer items, deli, household cleaners, pantry items, paper products, etc. I LOVE it. It makes the obsessively organized me very, very happy.
Finally, the little Coach handheld thingy is where I keep all of my cards that I use every day: my license, insurance cards, credit cards, all that jazz. It's in easy reach and I don't have to take my ginormous wallet or entire purse in when I'm just on a trip into the store to get two things.
I go nowhere without my planner. I feel lost without it. And, because I'm a color coded nerd when it comes to my planner, I carry colored pencils so I can literally "pencil you in" when something comes up. I also carry a little notebook because you never know when you're going to need to remember something and jot it down. Yes, I know my iPhone has an app to take notes. I like handwritten, physical notes. Call me old-fashioned.

There you have it. My purse. If you were to stop me on a regular, unexpected day, it would look exactly like this, give or take a few packs of gum. I realize that I'm obsessive. But I am in my every day world, shouldn't my purse be reflective of that too?? It's so funny what the contents of a purse can say about a person. What's in your bag?
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