Aug 28, 2012

Blog Follow How-to

Several of you have mentioned to me that you've tried to follow my blog and can't.  I'm hoping it's not a serious network issue being the reason you can't follow me.  So I'm going to do some step-by-steps to show you how to follow my blog and hopefully clear up any confusion.  Please let me know if this process STILL doesn't work for you and I'll be contacting Blogger to get it fixed (in my most authoritative, professional tone).

Alright.  First things first.  When you come to my home page, you should see a side bar on the RIGHT HAND side of my blog.  Scroll down until you see "It's okay to be a follower!"

When you click on the blue "Join this site" button, it'll take you to a screen that looks like this:

From here, you should be able to join by signing into your Google, Twitter or Yahoo accounts.  If you don't have any of these, you can create a new Google account.  You can create an account and not use it as your primary email.  I know people that created a Google account just for following their favorite blogs.  If that doesn't make you comfortable, you can always follow my blog by email.  You'll receive an email straight to your inbox every time I post a new update. 
Same as before, scroll down the bar on the right hand side until you see "Receive updates by email"  shown here:
Enter your email address and press "Submit."  Easy peasy.

If you don't want to do either one of those, there's one final option.  You can follow me on Bloglovin'.  It's a website where you can keep up with all your favorite blogs in one place.  Instead of getting a ton of emails from all of your favorite blogs individually, you can follow a bunch of them on Bloglovin' and get one email with weekly updates.  It's great.  You can read it all at once in one place.  So, if you wanna go that route, you can click here:

Now, go try it!  My goal is to get 50 followers.  Let me know if this doesn't work!


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