
Jan 19, 2014

Fantastic Week.

This week had some low points.  Avery's two year old temper and attitude have come in full force and this has been an extremely trying week, to say the very least.

Despite all that, this week has kicked butt and I'm still smiling about it.  Here's what my week went like:

1.  This is what my living room rug looked like early in the week.

Yikes.  This rug was beyond looking like crap.  Every single spill, every food stain that won't come up, worn marks where we've walked over it hundreds of times.  I was so far beyond over this rug, I couldn't stand it.

After MUCH deliberation and narrowing it down to four choices, I blogged and put it up to a vote.  There was a clear favorite out of the four.

This is what my rug looks like now.

When it first arrived, I couldn't decide how I felt about it.  The colors weren't as vibrant as I imagined them to be from the picture on Wayfair.  Despite that, I promised to give it a week of consideration.  

At first, I would look at it and think "That doesn't look so bad."  Then, I'd walk by and think "Actually, I really think I like the fact that the colors are more subdued than I was originally expecting."  Now, I look at it and think "I LOVE this rug."  


2.  Did you miss the part where I made my own planner??  I'm still geeking out about it. 

 AND, I've had an order for one!  A fellow crafter has been looking for a planner like mine to keep up with her orders as well.  I wasn't really looking to sell these, but it makes my day when people like what I'm doing.  I don't blog for the followers or the comments on Facebook, but it is SO nice to know that people actually read my stuff.  Not only that.....they like it.  It's the biggest pick me up anyone can give me. 

3.  I don't make it any secret that I'm not a good cook.  I can follow a recipe and I do get a sense of accomplishment when I make dinner for my family, but I cannot cook.  Lately, I've let it get me down and I haven't been cooking dinner at all.  It's been a whole lot of frozen pizzas and "fend for yourself" nights.  Ashamed, yes.  But that doesn't mean I couldn't pick myself up and start over.  The past two weeks, I've made a conscious effort to make dinner for my family.  Not every night, because I know that's unrealistic.  But several nights a week.  It's a good start.  I've made bean chimichangas, ham and cheese sliders (I could eat these every single week and not feel a shred of guilt about it), BBQ chicken and sweet chili.  It really makes me feel like I've accomplished something when I make a dinner for my family.  

Now if I could just get control of the laundry....

4.  I am a proud, bleed blue alumni of the University of Kentucky.  Our football program may be......less than stellar.  Our basketball program may be......a little bit of a rollercoaster ride.  But there's one sport we've always dominated in.  Cheerleading.  Laugh if you must, but Kentucky Cheerleading is really something to behold.  Today, they won their 20th UCA Cheerleading Championship.  More impressive than that, is the sequence in which they've won: 1985, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 and now, 2014.  In 2003, when they broke their 8-win in a row-streak, they came in second.  In 2007, they came in third.  They're the only squad to have ever won three, four, five, six, seven and eight championships in a row.  I don't care who you root for, you've got to admit, that's impressive.  I love my Cats.

Now, why the coming week will be just as good:

1.  I'm planning a trip to Hobby Lobby. 

2.  I'm tackling THIS.

This, my friends, is Avery's playroom.  I'm scared.

Hope your week to come is as fabulous as this week was for me! 

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